Sunday, March 20, 2011

Spring Break! Time to Relax and Renew and of course, READ!

Spring break: we've all been anxious for it! 

During the week of March 28-April 1, we all will be doing something fun, even if it's staying at home or going to a camp.  If you have exciting plans, keep a journal while you go on your adventure.

I am going to blog from my family's vacation and will share my discoveries along the way and of course, share photos.

Will you do the same?  During spring break, email me your pictures and I will post them to our class blog.  Give me details and I can submit some information about what you're up to over the break.  Email me some pictures of what you're reading and I will post those too because don't forget, you still have a reading log to submit to me April 4th!

So, send those photos to and I will upload them to our "Spring Break" post. 


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. this is going to be awesome!!!!!!!!!

  3. Yeah! Caden, you are so technologically savvy!
    Have a great evening and I agree-this will be Awesome!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. I love this blog it is one of the best ones I now!

  6. hi mrs.uber my chicken lay one egg each day from neida

  7. Wow, Neida! I cannot wait to see pictures of the eggs. Could you please take some and then I can either scan them into a digital file or we can upload them somehow. What cool information considering our talks about animals in the wild!
    Mrs. Uber

  8. hi mrs.uber i love the blog soooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much! from,neida

  9. Aw, I love doing it too! Tomorrow we'll look at the Word Girl video and go over how we'll win! There is an opportunity to win books, etc. for our school!
    Thanks for blogging!

    Mrs. Uber

  10. Mrs.Uber I am reading catinunderpans Josh

  11. Hi Josh!
    I love Captain Underpants books-know who else does? Owen. They are his favorite!

    Did you know there is an e-book that Barnes and Noble makes called the "Nook"?
    It has so many cool features and it has a whole library of Captain Underpants books...
    Have a great evening!
    Mrs. Uber

  12. hi mrs.uber my mom and dad do not know how to post my chickens egg to you from,neida

  13. If you bring me a picture, I can scan it and upload it this spring break!

  14. Mrs.Uber I just watched the captin uderpants Josh

  15. I am glad you watched it! Have you done the poll yet?
    What other characters from books would you like to see on our blog?

    Mrs. Uber

  16. mrs.uber on the tech me dose not work so can i do it in class neida
